Doc Spotlight: The Future of Food

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Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations (like Monsanto) seek to control the world’s food system.


Learn More about Monsanto:

  1. EPA: a “potentially responsible party” for 56 contaminated sites (Superfund sites) in the United States.
  2. Terminator seed controversy – a suicide technology. Can you imagine what this suicide gene will do if it pollutes crops around the world? The promoters say it won’t outcross. But of course it does.
  3. Since the mid-1990s, Monsanto it has sued some 150 US farmers for patent infringement in connection with its GE seed. Some of the farmers had the seed blown across property lines, off of a truck for example, where it contaminated the crops and seed stock that in some cases took a lifetime to create or was handed down from generations. US courts have ruled in favor of Monsanto in such cases. Read about the Nelson Farm.


“As we move on into this so-called biotech revolution and we start producing more and more transgenic manipulations, we’ll start seeing pieces of DNA interacting with each other in ways that are totally unpredictable…

I think this is probably the largest biological experiment humanity has ever entered into.”

– Ignacio Chapela


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Economist: US collapse driven by ‘fraud’; Geithner covering up bank insolvency

The Raw Story | Stephen C. Webster | April 4, 2009

In an explosive interview on PBS’ Bill Moyers Journal, William K. Black, a professor of economics and law with the University of Missouri, alleged that American banks and credit agencies conspired to create a system in which so-called “liars loans” could receive AAA ratings and zero oversight, amounting to a massive “fraud” at the epicenter of US finance.

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