LAST, BEST CHANCE FOR IMPEACHMENT – Help Wexler make it happen!



Impeachment folks,

I don’t think there is any way to over-emphasize how incredible and unique the Wexler/Baldwin/ Gutierrez appeal for impeachment proceedings to begin against Cheney is for us.

This isn’t just another petition. This petition is initiated by a six-term member of the House of Representatives – and not only that – a senior member of the House Judiciary.

Drop your other efforts, let go of your “ain’t gonna happen” lethargy and take this for what it is: The last, best chance for impeachment hearings of Cheney to begin. Every impeachment site and organization needs to alter their website to put this petition on their face page full-time, every blogger needs to discuss this every day and every call to our Representatives needs to be on this topic for it to succeed.

Every group that has been gathering petition signatures needs to re-contact each and every signer and get them to sign on online to support this appeal at:

Listening to Wasserman-Schultz say that there isn’t enough public support for it makes clear that on the other side of the corporate lobbyist wall and inside the D.C. echo chamber, they don’t know what we know, that Americans are eager for and longing for impeachment to happen.

Again… we have been handed an incredible gift that can bring to pass what we have been tirelessly fighting for for years. We can’t let this go…

Are you with me?

~ Mikael (

More coverage:

Impeachment Advocates Crush Server, But Still No Reports in the Corporate Media – December 18, 2007

The Scoop

House Judiciary Trio Calls for Impeach Cheney Hearings – December 14, 2007

“Democrats Robert Wexler of Florida, Luis Gutierrez of Illinois and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin on Friday distributed a statement, “A Case for Hearings,” that declares, “The issues at hand are too serious to ignore, including credible allegations of abuse of power that if proven may well constitute high crimes and misdemeanors under our constitution. The charges against Vice President Cheney relate to his deceptive actions leading up to the Iraq war, the revelation of the identity of a covert agent for political retaliation, and the illegal wiretapping of American citizens.” ”

Committee finds Rove, Bolten in contempt – December 14, 2007

“A Senate panel found former presidential adviser Karl Rove and current White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten in contempt of Congress on Thursday for refusing to testify and turn over documents in the investigation of the firings of nine U.S. attorneys last year.”

Wikileaks busts Gitmo propaganda team – December 12, 2007

“The US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay has been caught conducting covert propaganda attacks on the internet. The attacks, exposed this week in a report by the government transparency group Wikileaks, include deleting detainee ID numbers from Wikipedia last month, the systematic posting of unattributed “self praise” comments on news organization web sites in response to negative press, boosting pro-Guantanamo stories on the internet news site Digg and even modifying Fidel Castro’s encyclopedia article to describe the Cuban president as “an admitted transexual.”

CREW Chief Counsel Anne Weismann Responds to White House Attack – December 5, 2007

“…the White House has advanced the newly minted legal theory that the Office of Administration is suddenly no longer an agency subject to the FOIA.”

Wexler urges hearings on Cheney trial – December 3, 2007

“Wexler, who represents an ultra-Democratic Palm Beach-Broward district, recently took an e-mail poll of about 3,000 constituents and found 61 percent in favor of impeaching Cheney and removing him from office. Wexler insists he hasn’t prejudged the matter but wants hearings to probe whether Cheney manipulated intelligence to bamboozle the U.S. into war with Iraq, which Wexler voted to authorize in 2002.”

Google censorship? My videos must be getting their attention!

Update: Google doesn’t show stats any longer but you can get the report when you log in… sometimes. It seems to zero out every once in a while. 

Google recently reset some of my video views. I last recorded the views on 10/23 (see below). Yesterday I noticed that the Takoma Park Impeach Documentary was still at 388 views…this morning it’s at 0. I did some research and apparently truth/political videos with views in the thousands or millions regularly have the views reset. Some of the creators of those videos claim google is censoring. Does google really care about my videos with their relatively low number of views? Or is it just a computer glitch (as google has apparently claimed)? Some videos in the collection have not had their views Zeroed out (yet!).

If you have not yet seen the videos and want to help get the numbers up again, please click and view!

12/06 Video Views
Takoma Park Documentary: 1 (yesterday it was at 388!)
Joan Mellen: 7 (last week views were at about 400)
Lindorff and Tarpley: 10 (last week views were at about 600)
Mya Shone and Ralph Schoenman: 1 (last week views were at about 300)
D. Gregory: 7 (last week views were at about 220)
Seth G.: 42 (not reset)
J. Stetson: 111 (not reset)
WTC Clip: 48 (not reset)
Jamie Raskin: 507 (not reset)
Mayor Porter on MSNBC: 1 (last week views were at about about 200)
Bob Bowman: 92 (not reset)

The Scoop

Enough Heroes to Fill a Book – December 4, 2007

“We should never forget that everything Adolph Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal.” -Martin Luther King Jr.”

America in the Time of Empire – November 26, 2007

“Dying empires cling until the very end to the outward trappings of power. They mask their weakness behind a costly and technologically advanced military. They pursue increasingly unrealistic imperial ambitions. They stifle dissent with efficient and often ruthless mechanisms of control. They lose the capacity for empathy, which allows them to see themselves through the eyes of others, to create a world of accommodation rather than strife. The creeds and noble ideals of the nation become empty cliches, used to justify acts of greater plunder, corruption and violence. By the end, there is only a raw lust for power and few willing to confront it.”

McClellan admission evokes memories of Nixon era – November 27, 2007

“This trail is starting to look familiar. When an excerpt from the soon-to-be-released book by former presidential press secretary Scott McClellan revealed that President Bush and Vice President Cheney instructed him to tell journalists that top White House aides played no role in the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson, I had an eerie feeling that the nation had been down this path before.”

More Coverage:

Impeachment: If not now, when? – November 24, 2007

“Impeachment is squarely on the table, and momentum is building. A year ago, almost no elected official breathed the word impeachment. Now impeachment has hit the House floor, and our electeds have gone on record. Millions of Americans are demanding an end to executive abuse of power. After six years of state of emergency, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, continual war and occupations, our Constitution is deeply in crisis. Americans are in danger of losing our system of government and civil rights if they do not roll back the Bush administration’s assault on the rule of law.”

Voters turn up heat on Dems – Calls for end to war, impeachment of prez fly at town hall November 23, 2007

“What was billed as a town hall discussion on why the US was still in Iraq and the best way of getting out quickly turned heated, Brooklyn Representatives Anthony Weiner, Yvette Clarke and Jerrold Nadler withstood over two hours of sometimes hostile questions about the ongoing war in an event sponsored by the Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats at Old First Church.”

BRADBLOG EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Ellsberg Says Sibel Edmonds Case ‘Far More Explosive Than Pentagon Papers’ November 23, 2007

“”I’d say what she has is far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers,” Daniel Ellsberg told us in regard to former FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

“From what I understand, from what she has to tell, it has a major difference from the Pentagon Papers in that it deals directly with criminal activity and may involve impeachable offenses,” Ellsberg explained. “And I don’t necessarily mean the President or the Vice-President, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the information reached up that high. But other members of the Executive Branch may be impeached as well. And she says similar about Congress.””